S1E3 - A Voice in the Darkness

A horror play by Colin Stapleton

Episode Notes

A Voice in the Dark by Colin Stapleton - (Horror)
The people of the coastal town of Freeport are starting to change. People are hearing a voice that starts to tear away at the fabric of friendship and reality. For Dossier go to https://issuu.com/clatlab/docs/a_20voice_20in_20the_20darkness_20-_20final

Find out more at https://catlab.pinecast.co

S1E2 - Love Bites

A Romantic Play by Kainon Orion Bachtel

Love Bites Years after breaking up, Sebastian and Luis are reunited again. They reminisce about the past, catch up, and talk about the new and interesting and deadly challenges facing them in their lives now. For this show's production information go to our dossier: https://issuu.com/clatlab/docs/love_bites_dossier

Find out more at https://catlab.pinecast.co

S1E1 - The Celestial Ark

A Science Fiction Play by Audrey Chavez

Episode Notes

287 years after the destruction of our known Solar System, a large and luxurious spaceship floats through empty space. The Fleet Commander created a perfect utopia and placed two artificial humans on his ship to live a peaceful and perfect existence along with a plethora of Artificial Intelligence to run The Celestial Ark. The couple are seemingly content with their eternal life on the Ark but, when one of the humans starts to connect with an AI on the ship a series of mysteries begin to unfold. For show notes and design, follow this link: https://issuu.com/clatlab/docs/celestial_ark_dossier

Find out more at https://catlab.pinecast.co

Welcome to The CATLab Presents

All about this season of the CATLab

Episode Notes

Notes go here